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Home » Steel Building Quote Form

Steel Building Quote Form

If you know all the parameters for your ‘Easy Steel Building’ then please submit our detailed quote request form below.


Complete all the fields; this will assist us to generate an accurate first quote!

We will email your quote for approval, remember we can tailor or tweak the quote / building design as many times as it takes,  in some cases we may suggest variable size options to help keep the cost down for you – This will be submitted as ‘ESB’ Quote!

Click Below:

*Refer to Diagram for help with dimensions and terminology!


Ensure all *fields are completed, you should receive a Thank you” message when the form has successfully been submitted – If not look for any omissions and resubmit the form!

Please use the ‘Unit Converter’ in the side bar to calculate ‘Feet’ to ‘Metre’ before submitting the form.

Need More Help?

If you’re ‘Stuck’ and would like to speak with a real person, please feel free to call us on our dedicated sales number 0800 009 6985 we will take your details over the phone and email you a quotation.